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Sentinel of the Spaceways

The Silver Surfer’s most cosmic stories collected in a single volume

Introduced by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in the fertile pages of The Fantastic Four, the Silver Surfer quickly established himself as one of Marvel’s most far-out characters. Enslaved by Galactus to prowl the cosmos for the demi-god’s next planet-sized meal, the Surfer was as tragic a figure as any in comics—and he looked impossibly cool at the same time! A smash hit with fans and a regular supporting character in Fantastic Four, the character struck a creative nerve with Lee, who couldn’t wait to begin to tell some Surfer solo stories, but the timing had to be right.

In the spring of 1968, things came together for both writer and character, with Lee giving the Surfer Marvel’s very first ongoing double-sized book. Lee also recruited artist John Buscema, who had recently been lending his extraordinary pencils to The Avengers. Together, they spun off a run of legendary tales that helped define the character forevermore.

The feature stories from the entire 18-issue run of the 1968 Silver Surfer series are collected in this cosmic-sized XXL tome from the Eisner Award-winning Marvel Comics Library series. The most pristine pedigreed comics have been cracked open and photographed for reproduction in close collaboration with Marvel and the Certified Guaranty Company. Each page has been photographed as printed more than half a century ago, then digitally remastered using modern retouching techniques to correct problems with the era’s inexpensive, imperfect printing—as if hot off a world-class 1960s printing press. A custom paper stock was exclusively developed for this series to simulate the feel of the original comics.

Texts by author and critic Douglas Wolk and Marvel artist and brother of John Buscema, Sal Buscema, accompany original artwork, photographs, and rare memorabilia.

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The artists

John Buscema (1927–2002) began working for Timely Comics in 1948 drawing Westerns, crime comics, and horror/suspense. He left comics for commercial art but returned to Marvel in 1966, establishing at Marvel a singular style of elegance and realism. Among his long list of credits include The Silver Surfer, The Avengers, Sub-Mariner, The Fantastic Four, and an indelible run on Robert E. Howard’s Conan in Conan the Barbarian and The Savage Sword of Conan. In 1978, he collaborated with Stan Lee on a landmark instructional book How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way.

Stan Lee (1922–2018) is known to millions as the man whose super heroes propelled Marvel to its preeminent position in the comic book industry. His co-creations include Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk, X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and hundreds of others. While the Chairman Emeritus of Marvel, he was also the Chief Creative Officer of POW! Entertainment, where he created numerous new characters and stories in areas including publishing, film, TV reality, stage, documentary, and multimedia.

The author

Douglas Wolk is a multiple-Eisner-winning author of All of the Marvels and Reading Comics and has written about comics and pop music for The New York Times, Time, The Washington Post, Rolling Stone, and The Believer, among others. He teaches comics history at Portland State University. 

The contributing author

Sal Buscema is one of the most prolific comic artists in Marvel history, with long runs on titles like Incredible Hulk, The Avengers, The Defenders, Thor, and the licensed property ROM. His first work at Marvel was inking his brother John’s work on The Silver Surfer. He helped launch the series The Spectacular Spider-Man in 1976 and returned to the title years later to pencil and ink a much-lauded 100-issue run. In the 1990s, he helped make Spider-Girl one of the most talked about titles of the era. He remains active in the industry inking The Blue Baron.

Marvel Comics Library. Silver Surfer. Vol. 1. 1968–1970

Hardcover, 28 x 39.5 cm, 4.75 kg, 706 pages

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