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EISNER AWARD-WINNING STORYTELLER RAFAEL GRAMPA'S TWISTED VISION OF THE DARK KNIGHT! When you chase your own leads you into the abyss. In a Gotham City where every day feels darker and more irredeemable than the last, Batman makes a definitive choice--to kill off the Bruce Wayne identity for good and embrace the cowl full-time. But though he knows the streets of Gotham, Batman will soon come to find that he hardly knows himself. A serial killer is on the loose, and while the murder victims seem random at first, every clue draws Batman closer to the terrifying truth--that they are all connected, not just to each other...but to him... When an all-new rogues gallery of utterly depraved villains begins to emerge from the depths of the city, Batman will have to contend with the very nature of evil--including that which lurks inside in the darkest corners of his own heart--to face what's coming for his city. Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham brings Rafael Grampa's twisted vision of both the Dark Knight and the city of Gotham to life in a DC writing debut that will reach its icy black tendrils into the deepest and darkest corners of human nature and leave you gasping for breath--and for more!

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